Minutes of RAW meeting 27 April 2016
Minutes of RAW meeting 27 April 2016
Present: Peter Dreghorn (Chair), Jon Haydon, Tony Donnely & Chris Stones (RAT), Steven Gillespie (Univ of Glasgow), Peter Norman (DGC).
Apologies: Jackie Galley
1. Internship
* Noted that 33 applications had been received for the role and the standard was high
* TD & CS will begin assessing applications and shortlisting process with 6 planned to go to the interview stage
* TD & CS will plan interview process which will include a 10-minute presentation
2. LEADER Application
* PD & TD gave an update – 50% match funding required and possibilities could include windfarm grants, area committee funding and the Holywood Trust
* The focus would be on education, citizen science and community engagement – PD and TD agreed to pursue this
3. Stakeholder Survey
* SG produced a draft survey to be distributed amongst farmers and landowners
* TD suggested that this could be incorporated into RAT/RADSFB work when visiting landowners for fish surveys/INNS
* PD suggested that there should be somewhere to say ‘what RAW work have you already done?’
* ALL -To look at the draft survey and produce feedback/comments to the group
4. Barrier Assessments (Milnbie Caul)
* TD stated that this is an ongoing issue and not much had progressed since the last meeting
* PD offered to write a letter to the NDA about Milnbie Caul, it was agreed that he would produce a draft.
5. Website
* CS to put the NVC report on the RAW website along with the new logo from Glasgow University, Dumfries Campus
* CS to check if the SEPA logo can be used on the website and to check that Borders Forest Trust is being used on each page
* PN will send link when the old Annan maps are on the national library of Scotland
6. Work at Carrifran and Corehead
* PD provided an update for Carrifran – Hugh Chalmers (and anyone else who wants to attend) will be speaking about RAW at the Carrifran Wildwood Steering Group on 7th June at Kidston Mill Peebles. The outcome of the discussion will be RAW work which can be carried out in the Autumn on behalf and to support RAW. Suggestions include, bankside planting of alder and willow down to the roadside and on other stretches
of Carrifran Burn and wood debris insertion. This would be done with the RAW Project Officer and trees supplied by the Woodland Trust
* SEPA’s PD provided an update for Corehead – Since the BFT Director and Site Officer will be at this meeting and Hugh Chalmers is on both Corehead and Carrifran Steering Groups suggestions for Corehead could be aired. These include extensions of the current riparian strip, woody debris and an official survey+ volunteer work of the re-meandering of 200 metre stretch of the Annan (canalised)
7. Lottery Meeting in Lockerbie
* TD to check if he can attend the lottery meeting
8. NVC Edit
* Agreed that the NVC report will be added to the website unedited
9. Old River Course Maps
* PN will send link when the old Annan maps are on the national library of Scotland (as per point5)
10. New Members
* TD to check with River Annan Trust and River Annan District Salmon Fishery Board
* PD to put an advert on Moffat Online to attract membership
11. Woodland Trust
* PD has contacted Russel Jobson (Woodland Trust) who is still interested in the RAW programme. They can donate trees (500-1000) and provide advice/support
12. Future of RAW
* PD suggested that everyone has a different role/responsibility within the RAW programme
* TD suggested that the RAW project assistant should spend some time with each of the members within the group on different aspects of RAW
* All – It was agreed that the location of RAW meetings could be rotated around the various partners as PD is currently funding the meetings at Moffat town hall