Minutes of RAW Meeting 27th July 2016
Present: Peter Dreghorn (RAW Chairman), Tony Donnelly (RAT), Sarah King (RAW Project Assistant), Peter Norman (DGC), Steven Gillespie (UoG), Gareth
Pedley (WTT).
Apologies: Jackie Galley (SEPA)
1. Meeting 08/06/2016
• No further developments regarding Milnbie Caul.
• LEADER funding application dropped due to requirement to have match funding already in place. Alternative sources more appropriate/likely
due to RAT time constraints.
• SK still to meet with Matthew White regarding management of his land.
2. RAW Project Assistant
• PD welcomed SK to the group. SK updated group on her activities since commencing her role.
• Attended SVQ level II Electrofishing Course.
• Attended woody material workshop with Wild Trout Trust/Eden Rivers Trust.
• Assisted with e-fishing on the Kirtle Burn, Annan Water and Wamphray.
• Attended funding meeting with Mark Pollitt & Ed Forrest. Very informative and useful.
• Nearing completion of EOIs to HLF and SSE.
3. Funding Update
• PD has approached Nick Wright about possibility of receiving contributions from windfarm developments to fund RAW based projects. Total of
£500,000 available. PD expressed concerns the funding may be used to deliver one large project which is unlikely to be environmentally
• PD suggested exploring the possibility of using SLF to purchase a site for a RAW/Community restoration project.
• Deadline for SSE funding is 22/09/2016. An HLF application will also be completed by 22/09/2016. Tony to meet Holywood Trust to discuss
potential match funding towards specific projects within the full application.
4. Kirtle Burn Habitat Restoration
• A restoration site had been identified upstream of the B7068 road bridge, by Fallford House. There are various morphological issues which need
• Unfortunately timeframes will not allow a full complement of remedial work to be delivered in 2016 as was hoped.
• Discussion will take place over the next six months to ensure a plan is in place and delivery can commence in Feb/March 2017.
5. RAW Publicity Materials
• PD to design and action, invoice to RAT for payment.
6. Moffat Show
• 27/08/2016, Raehills, Annandale Estate. TD, SK, CS and PD to attend representing RAW.
• Stand to be exclusively RAW branded/themed.
• SK & SG to create a short questionnaire to gather general public views on RAW. Questionnaire feedback is essential as supporting evidence
towards SSE funding application.
7. Corehead
• PD explained potential for RAW themed projects at Corehead. Possibilities include extending the riparian buffer zone, SEPA remeandering
survey, instream woody materials.
• SK to meet Hugh Chalmers to discuss.
8. Scalescleugh Burn
• Opportunity to remove a partial barrier to fish migration on the Scalescleugh Burn, a tributary to the Water of Milk.
• Logistical and safety issues of removal to be considered by TD.
• SG would like to attend removal with students.
9. Landowner Surveys
• SG has survey ready for distribution. Needs a concerted effort to roll out.
• Might help to identify a landowner willing to sit on RAW committee.
10. Wild Trout Trust Presentation
• Gareth Pedley, Wild Trout Trust North Conservation Officer, gave a presentation about the remit and work of the WTT.
• Identified shared objectives and possibility of partnership project delivery.
• Would require external funding to deliver landscape scale projects.
11. AOB
• PD requested a hydrological survey of Gallow Hill community woodland.
• TD discussed possibility of SciMap hydrological survey. TD to seek funds to pay for SciMapping.
Date of next meeting still to be agreed. Week commencing September 5th or 12th preferable.