Minutes of RAW Meeting 28th September 2016
Minutes of RAW meeting 28 September 2016
Present: Peter Dreghorn (Chair), Sarah King (RAW Project Assistant), Tony Donnelly (RAT), Peter Norman (DGC), Jackie Galley (SEPA), Steven
Gillespie (Univ of Glasgow)
Apologies: Chris Stones (RAT)
1. Meeting of 27/07/2016
• Website: Peter D asked for the agenda as well as minutes to go on to the website in future.
• Moffat show went well, although not many landowners attended the stall.
• Scalescleugh Burn proposed visit has now been changed to Milnbie Caul.
2. Project Assistant update
• Wrapping up fields work now, as approach end of season.
• Helping to develop funding applications (see below) and overseen development of publicity material.
• Discussed woodland planting grant support with Woodland Trust.
• Collated evidence for funding applications – 18 returns from on-line survey.
• Has completed the necessary course on safe use of hand held sprayers.
• Made contact with wildlife and community groups within the Annan catchment or with an interest in the catchment.
3. Funding update and item 4 feedback from the Chairman of River Annan Trust
• Application submitted for the Sustainable Development Funds (SSE).
• Attended a HLF ‘surgery’ to discuss potential HLF application and asked the group for their views/feedback at the meeting.
• Also looking to Holywood Trust for money.
• If still available are considering an ECAF application to coordinate gravel management on the Annan and/or Ae
• The group asked for more information on WEF posts and what WEF can contribute to the project. Jackie G to action this.
• Peter D contacted the chair of RAT and during the conversation the chair said he would support a HLF landscape scale bid.
4. Feedback from Chairman of RAT
• See final bullet point above.
5. Landowner surveys/letters/visits
• There was some discussion on the landowner surveys that resulted in minor changes.
• Tony and Sarah have already visited FE, but the group agreed that other major landowners should be contacted.
• The group agree, where possible, to also approach individual farmers and gather responses to questionnaires.
6. Project instigated so far
• Kirtle Burn restoration has been scoped and will now happen at a more appropriate time of year.
7. Heritage Lottery Funding
• See 3 above.
• SEPA have approached Scottish Water about the Milnbie Caul, but discussions are at a very early stage.
• It was agreed that Peter D should contact Magnox about their involvement and restoration in the Caul.
9. SEPA restoration posts
• See bullet point under 3.
10. AOB
• Peter D attended the SWT conference and felt that they could have a positive role within RAW. Sarah to contact SWT
• 7/8/9th October is the Reforesting Gathering in Moffat
Next meeting: Beginning of December.